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旧 Sep 30th, 2008, 11:55     #1
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默认 Wen Jiabao interview

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旧 Oct 1st, 2008, 15:14   只看该作者   #2
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Peterwch is just really nicePeterwch is just really nicePeterwch is just really nicePeterwch is just really nice

Wen really sucks, useless.
he should resign from the position immediately.
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旧 Oct 1st, 2008, 15:35   只看该作者   #3
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作者: Peterwch 查看帖子
Wen really sucks, useless.
he should resign from the position immediately.

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旧 Oct 2nd, 2008, 15:14   只看该作者   #4
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默认 Google的翻译,供参考,读英文的太累

但首先,我也有难得的机会,以满足与其中一个最强大的男子在地球上,温家宝总理的中国。 我会见了他的一套在华尔道夫酒店在纽约举行。

他并没有放弃一次电视采访中五年。 事实上,他很少谈过美国记者。 这是一个非凡的机会,与他谈论在这个关键的历史时刻。

中国的崛起力量,可能是一个最重要的趋势,我们的有生之年。它改变了世界。 然而我们知道这么少的国家和男人谁统治它。 他们控制这个庞大的土地, 13亿人,但他们也有巨大的影响,你的生活。

在中国是最大的持有美国债务,例如。 他们购买数十亿美元的美国国库券每星期。


的第一件事,你应该知道温家宝是,他不同于其他中国领导人的现代的时代。 在中国,他的人昵称为他-温家宝爷爷。

.在今年的灾难性大地震在四川,他立即飞往灾区,出去的人来安慰他们,并会见了许多个别。他更像一个美国政治家比中国apparatchik 。

他也是,当然,一个敏捷的政治家迷路内的队伍他自己的政党。 地质学家通过培训,他成功地推进改革没有疏远通过这个保守的反对者。

有一些条件,我的采访温家宝总理。.我的条件是,我可以问任何问题,我想,其中中国接受。 一个是他们的,我不会评论或特点的实质采访。 S所以,我不会-除了说,我认为这是最公开和坦诚的交谈我都看到或读到的中国领导人。


温家宝总理记述(声音翻译) :在我们开始之前,我想,让您知道,我将使用的话从心底里回答你的问题,这意味着我将说出真相,以您的所有问题。

扎卡里亚:我期待着机会,这一对话。 我首先感谢你给我们机会和荣誉。

的第一件事,我想问你我想这是许多人的头脑。 您如何看待当前的金融危机影响美国? 它是否让你认为,美国模式有很多缺陷,但我们只是认识到了吗?

闻(声音翻译) :危机发生在美国的可能影响,这将影响整个世界。


所以这个时候,我们应该携起手来,迎接共同的危机。 如果金融和经济系统在美国出问题,那么影响将波及不仅在这个国家,而且在中国,在亚洲和整个世界。

我注意到东道国的政策和所采取的措施,美国政府以防止一个孤立的危机成为一个系统之一。 我希望,措施和步骤,他们将通过还清。


闻(声音翻译) :一种可能的美国经济衰退肯定会影响到中国经济,因为我们知道, 10年前的中国,中美贸易额仅为美国一千○二十六亿美元,而今天,这个数字猛增到美国三千○二十亿美元-实际上相当于增加了1 .5倍。 萎缩的美国市场需求肯定会影响中国的出口。

和美国金融是紧密联系在一起的中国金融。 如果错了,任何事情都会发生在美国的金融部门,我们担心的安全和保障中国资本。


扎卡里亚:有另一种意义上,我们是相互依存的。 中国是最大的持有美国国库券。一些帐户,您拥有近1万亿美元了。 它使美国人-一些美国人-不安。 ?你能否他们保证,中国绝不会利用这一地位作为武器以某种形式?

闻(声音翻译) :正如我所说的那样,我们认为,美国房地产经济仍坚实基础,尤其是在高科技产业和基础产业。

现在,一些已经在错误的虚拟经济。 但是,如果这个问题妥善解决,那么它仍有可能稳定经济在这个国家。

中国政府非常希望美方将能够稳定经济和金融尽快。 我们还希望看到持续的发展在美国,因为这将有利于中国。

当然,我们关心的是安全和保障的中国钱。 但是,我们认为,美国是一个可信的国家,尤其是在这种困难的时候,中国已经达到了美国。

A实际上,我们认为这样一个伸出援助之手将有助于稳定整个全球经济和金融,并防止混乱主要发生在全球经济和金融体系。 我认为,现在,合作就是一切。

ZAKARIA: P扎卡里亚:总理,在您的国家增加了,正如你指出的那样,百分之九点五30年-增长最快的任何国家在历史上-如果人们对你和对你说,什么是中国模式的成功作为一个发展中国家,你会说-什么是关键,你的成功? 是什么模式?

闻(语音口译) :通过介绍改革开放以来,我们已经极大地解放生产力,中国。


扎卡里亚:人们认为这是一个矛盾。 Y你必须在市场经济下市场配置资源。 在社会主义的所有中央规划。


闻(声音翻译) :完整的提法我们的经济政策是要充分发挥基础性作用的市场力量在资源配置中的宏观指导和调控的政府。


如果您熟悉的经典作品,亚当斯密,你知道有两个著名的作品,他的一个是“国家财富” 。 另一种是这本书的道德观念和道德规范。 和“国家财富”交易更多的与无形的手,这是有市场的力量。 和其他书籍涉及社会公平和正义。 .而在另一本书,他写道,他强调必须发挥监管作用,政府的公平分配财富的人。


The same approach also applies to the current US economy.同样的方法也适用于当前的美国经济。 To address the current economic and financial problems in this country, we need to apply not only the visible hand, but also the invisible hand.为了解决当前经济和财政问题在这个国家,我们需要不仅适用的看得见的手,而且还看不见的手。

(END VIDEO) (完视频)

ZAKARIA: Coming up, Premier Wen Jiabao on Iran and North Korea.扎卡里亚:即将到来,国务院总理温家宝对伊朗和北朝鲜。


ZAKARIA: China's onward rise has taken many forms - economic, cultural and political.扎卡里亚:中国的崛起已开始采取了许多形式-经济,文化和政治。 Naturally, it has had an increasingly active foreign policy - so far, somewhat narrowly focused on securing China's interests.当然,它已越来越积极的外交政策-迄今为止,有些狭隘重点确保中国的利益。 I spoke to Premier Wen about China's larger world role.我向温家宝总理对中国的更大的世界的作用。

(BEGIN VIDEO) (开始视频)

ZAKARIA: Many people see China as a superpower already.扎卡里亚:很多人看到中国作为一个超级大国了。 And they wonder, why is it not being more active in political resolution of issues such as the issue of Darfur, or the issue of Iran and its nuclear ambitions.他们想知道,为什么,是不是更积极的政治解决问题,如达尔富尔问题,或者问题的伊朗和其核野心。

There's a hope that China will play a role as a responsible stakeholder - to use Robert Zoellick's phrase when he was deputy secretary of state - and that China will be more active in managing the political problems in the world, and that so far, it has not been active.有一个希望,中国将发挥的作用作为一个负责任的利益相关者-用罗伯特佐利克的话说,他是副国务秘书-和中国将更加积极地参与管理的政治问题在世界上,迄今为止,它已尚未活跃。

How would you react to that?你将如何反应呢?

WEN (voice of interpreter): To answer this question, I need to correct some of the elements in your question.闻(声音翻译) :要回答这个问题,我需要正确的一些内容在你的问题。 First, China is not a superpower.首先,中国不是一个超级大国。

Although China has a population of 1.3 billion, and although in recent years China has registered fairly fast economic and social development since reform and opening up, China still has this problem of unbalanced development between different regions and between China's urban and rural areas.虽然中国有13亿人口,尽管最近几年中国已登记较快的经济和社会发展,改革开放以来,中国仍然有这个问题的发展不平衡之间的不同地区和中国之间的城市和农村地区。 China remains a developing country.中国仍然是一个发展中国家。

We still have 800 million farmers in rural areas, and we still dozens of million people living in poverty.我们仍然有8.0亿农民在农村地区,我们仍然几十多万人生活在贫困之中。 To address our own problems, we need to do a great deal.为了解决自己的问题,我们需要做很多事情。 China is not a superpower.中国不是一个超级大国。

That's why we need to focus on our own development and on our efforts to improve people's lives.这就是为什么我们需要把重点放在我们自己的发展和我们的努力,以改善人们的生活。

ZAKARIA: But surely, the Chinese government could pressure the Sudanese government, or the Iranian government, or the government in Burma to ease - to be less repressive.扎卡里亚:但是毫无疑问,中国政府可能会施加压力,苏丹政府或伊朗政府,或政府在缅甸以缓解-不那么压迫。 You have relations with all three of them.你必须与所有3人。

WEN (voice of interpreter): That brings me to your second question.闻(声音翻译) :这使我想到你的第二个问题。 Actually, in the international community, China is a justice-upholding country.其实,在国际社会中,中国是一个有正义感的国家。 We never trade our principles.我们从来没有贸易的原则。

Take the Darfur issue that you raised just now, for example.以达尔富尔问题,你刚才所提出,例如。 China has always advocated that we need to adopt a dual-track approach to seek a solution to the Darfur issue.中国历来主张,我们必须采取双轨方式,以寻求解决达尔富尔问题。

China was among the first countries that sent - sending peacekeepers to Darfur.中国是最早被国家-派遣维和部队前往达尔富尔。 China was also the first country that gave assistance to Sudan.中国也是第一个国家,给苏丹的援助。 And we also keep our efforts to engage the leaders in Sudan, to try to seek a peaceful solution to the issue as quickly as possible.我们还使我们的努力,使领导人在苏丹,试图寻求和平解决这一问题尽快。

ZAKARIA: Do you think it would be dangerous for the world if Iran got nuclear weapons?扎卡里亚:你是否认为这将是危险的世界,如果伊朗获得核武器? And what do you think the world should do to try to stop that possibility?和你认为世界应该做的,试图阻止这种可能性?

WEN (voice of interpreter): We are not supportive of a nuclearized Iran.闻(声音翻译) :我们不支持的伊朗核武器。 We believe that Iran has the right to develop the utilization of nuclear energy in a peaceful way.我们认为,伊朗有权开发利用核能的和平方式。 But such efforts should be subject to the safeguards of the IAEA, and Iran should not develop nuclear weapons.但是,这种努力应该受到保障,原子能机构和伊朗不应该发展核武器。 As far as the Iranian nuclear issue is concerned, China's stand is clear-cut.至于伊朗核问题而言,中国的立场是明确的。

Nevertheless, we hope that we can use peaceful talks to achieve the purpose, rather than resort to the willful use of force or the intimidation of force.然而,我们希望我们可以用和平谈判实现的目的,而不是诉诸故意使用武力或以武力恫吓。

It's like treating the relationship between two individuals.这就像治疗之间的关系这两个人。 If one individual tries to corner the other, then the effect will be counterproductive.如果一个人尝试其他角落,那么效果将适得其反。 That will do nothing in helping resolve the problem.这将什么也不做,帮助解决问题。 Our purpose is to resolve the problem, not to escalate tensions.我们的目的是解决这一问题,而不是加剧紧张局势。

And I also have a question for you.我也有一个问题要问您。 Don't you think that the efforts made by China in resolving the Korean nuclear issue and the position we have adopted in this regard have actually helped the situation on the Korean Peninsula move for the better, day by day?难道你不认为所作的努力,中国在解决朝鲜半岛核问题的立场和我们通过在这方面实际上已经帮助了朝鲜半岛局势将变得更好,每一天?

And of course, I know that it still takes time to see a thorough and a complete solution to the Korean nuclear issue and, on that basis, to help put in place security and stability in Northeast Asia.当然,我知道,它仍然需要一段时间看到一个透彻和彻底解决朝鲜半岛核问题,并在此基础上,以帮助建立安全与稳定的东北亚。 But what I would like to stress is that the model that we have adopted, and the efforts we have made, proved to be right in this direction.但我想强调的是,该模型,我们已经通过,并努力我们已经取得,证明是正确的这个方向发展。

ZAKARIA: Since you honored me by asking the question, I will say to you, Premier, that China's efforts in North Korea have been appreciated in the United States and around the world.扎卡里亚:既然你荣幸我问这个问题,我会告诉你,国务院总理,即中国的努力,朝鲜已表示赞赏美国和世界各地。 And, of course, it makes people wish that China would be active in other areas in just the same productive way that it was in North Korea, because we see that it produces results.当然,它使人们希望,中国将积极在其他领域同样有成效的方式,这是在朝鲜,因为我们看到,它产生的结果。

WEN (voice of interpreter): We have gained a lot of experience and learned lessons from years of negotiations concerning the Six- Party Talks.闻(声音翻译) :我们已经积累了丰富的经验和教训多年的谈判,关于六方会谈。 And the progress made in the Six-Party Talks also has a lot to do with the close cooperation among the six parties.和所取得的进展六方会谈也有很多事情要做的之间的密切合作各方。

(END VIDEO) (完视频)

ZAKARIA: Up next, Premier Wen Jiabao addresses tough issues - the Dalai Lama and Tiananmen Square.扎卡里亚:明年,国务院总理温家宝处理棘手的问题-达赖喇嘛和天安门广场。


ZAKARIA: In my conversation with Wen Jiabao, China's premier, one of the most complex and controversial subjects was the discussion of democracy.扎卡里亚:在我的交谈温家宝,中国首屈一指的,其中最复杂和有争议的议题是讨论民主。

Wen has deep experience with the issue.温家宝拥有丰富的经验与问题。 In 1989, he was one of the Communist Party officials who went to Tiananmen Square to talk to the protestors. 1989年,他是一个共产党官员谁来到天安门广场交谈的抗议者。

I asked him whether that experience had made him want to slow down or stop political reform.我问他这是否取得了经验,他想放慢或停止政治改革。 Listen to what he had to say.听他的话不得不说。

(BEGIN VIDEO) (开始视频)

ZAKARIA: I will take advantage of your kindness and ask a question that many people around the world wonder about.扎卡里亚:我将利用您的好意,并问一个问题,许多世界各地的人们想知道。

There is a very famous photograph of you at Tiananmen Square in 1989.有一个非常有名的照片,你在天安门广场在1989年。 What lesson did you take from your experiences in dealing with that problem in 1989?什么教训,你是否从您的经验,在处理这一问题在1989年?

WEN (voice of interpreter): I believe that, while moving ahead with the economic reforms, we also need to advance political reforms.闻(声音翻译) :我认为,尽管前进的经济改革,我们还需要推进政治改革。 As our development is comprehensive in nature, our reform should also be comprehensive.正如我们的发展是全面的,我们的改革也应该是全面的。

I think the core of your question is about the development of democracy in China.我认为核心的问题是关于民主的发展在中国。 I believe, when it comes to the development of democracy in China, we talk about progress to be made in three areas.我认为,谈到民主的发展在中国,我们谈论的进展在三个方面。

Number one, we need to gradually improve the democratic election system, so that state power will truly belong to the people, and state power will be used to serve the people.第一,我们需要逐步完善民主选举制度,使国家权力真正属于人民,国家权力将被用来为人民服务。

Number two, we need to improve the legal system, run the country according to law and establish the country under the rule of law.第二,我们需要改进的法律制度,执行依法治国和建立法治国家的法律。 And we need to build an independent and just judicial system.我们需要建立一个独立和公正的司法系统。

Number three, government should be subject to oversight by the people, and if (ph) you ask us, call on us to increase transparency in government affairs.第三,政府应受监督的人,如果( pH值) ,你问我们,要求我们增加透明度的政府事务。 And particularly, it is also necessary for government to accept oversight by the news media and other parties.特别是,也有必要对政府接受监督,新闻媒体和其他各方。 ZAKARIA: When I go to China and I'm in the hotel, and if I type in the words "Tiananmen Square" in my computer, I get a firewall, what some people call "the Great Firewall of China."扎卡里亚:当我去中国,我在酒店,如果我输入关键词“天安门广场”在我的电脑,我收到了防火墙,一些人称之为“伟大的中国防火墙” 。

Can you be an advanced society, if you don't have freedom of information, to find out information on the Internet?你能成为一个先进的社会,如果你没有自由的信息,找到互联网上的资料?

WEN (voice of interpreter): China now has over 200 million Internet users.闻(声音翻译) :中国现在有超过200万互联网用户。 And the freedom of Internet in China is recognized by many, even from the West.和自由在中国互联网是公认的许多人来说,即使来自西方。

Nonetheless, to uphold state security, China, like many countries in the world, has also imposed some proper restrictions.然而,维护国家安全,中国同许多国家一样,在世界上也施加了一些适当的限制。 And that is for the safety - that is for the overall safety of the country and for the freedom of the majority of the people.这是安全-这是对整体国家安全和自由的广大人民。

I can also tell you, on the Internet in China, you can have access to a lot of postings that are quite critical about the government.我还可以告诉你,在互联网上中国,你可以有机会获得大量的帖子是相当关键的政府。 I frequently browse the Internet.我经常浏览互联网。

ZAKARIA: What are your favorite sites?扎卡里亚:什么是您最喜爱的网站?

WEN (voice of interpreter): I browsed a lot of Internet web sites.闻(声音翻译) :我浏览了很多互联网网站。

ZAKARIA: May I ask you about another set of possible talks?扎卡里亚:我想请问你另一套可能的会谈? The Dalai Lama has said, now, it appears that he would accept China's rule in Tibet.达赖喇嘛说,现在看来,他将接受中国统治西藏。 He accepts the socialist system in Tibet.他接受了社会主义制度在西藏。 And what he asks for is cultural autonomy and a certain degree of political autonomy.以及他所要求的是文化自治和某种程度的政治自治。

The talks apparently are stuck at a lower level between the Tibetans and the Chinese government.这次会谈显然是停留在一个较低的水平之间的西藏人和中国政府。 Why don't you, given your power and your negotiating skills, take the issue yourself, and you or President Hu Jintao were to negotiate directly with the Dalai Lama and solve this issue once and for all, for the benefit of the Chinese people and, of course, the Tibetan people who are also in China?你为什么不,因为你的权力和您的谈判技巧,采取自己的问题,您或国家主席胡锦涛的直接谈判与达赖喇嘛和解决这个问题一劳永逸地造福于中国人民和当然,藏族人民也谁在中国?

WEN (voice of interpreter): In many places all over the world, the Dalai Lama keeps preaching about the idea of the so-called autonomy in the greater Tibetan region.闻(声音翻译) :在许多地方,在世界各地,达赖喇嘛一直宣扬的想法所谓的自主权更大的藏族地区。 And actually, the so-called autonomy that he pursues is actually to use religion to intervene in politics.实际上,所谓的自治,他追求实际上是利用宗教干预政治。 And they want to separate the so-called "greater Tibetan region" from the motherland.和他们想单独所谓的“西藏地区更大的”从祖国。

And many people in the United States have no idea how big is the so-called "greater Tibetan region."许多人在美国没有多大的想法是所谓的“更大的藏族地区。 ” The so-called "greater Tibetan region," preached by the Dalai Lama, actually covers Tibet, Sichuan, Yunnan, Qinghai and Gansu - altogether, five provinces.所谓“大西藏地区, ”所宣扬的达赖喇嘛,实际上涵盖西藏,四川,云南,青海和甘肃-共5个省份。 And the area covered by this so-called "greater Tibetan region" accounts for a quarter of China's territory.该地区所涵盖的这个所谓的“大西藏地区”占四分之一的中国领土。

For decades, our policy towards the Dalai Lama remains unchanged.几十年来,我们的政策对达赖喇嘛保持不变。 That is, as long as the Dalai Lama is willing to recognize that Tibet is an inalienable part of China's territory, and as long as the Dalai Lama gives up his separatist activities, we are willing to have contact and talks with him or his representatives.也就是说,只要达赖喇嘛愿意承认西藏是不可分割的一部分,中国的领土,只要达赖喇嘛放弃分裂活动,我们都愿意接触,并同他进行会谈或其代表。 Now, sincerity holds the key to producing results out of the talks.现在,有诚意的关键成果的会谈。

ZAKARIA: What action would you like to see from the Dalai Lama that would show sincerity?扎卡里亚:什么行动你想看到达赖喇嘛将拿出诚意?

WEN (voice of interpreter): Actually, I already made it clear that, when we observe any individual, the Dalai Lama included, we should not only watch what - we should not only observe what he says, but also watch what he does.闻(声音翻译) :其实,我已经清楚地表明,当我们观察到任何个人,包括达赖喇嘛,我们不仅应关注什么-我们不仅要观察他所说的话,也看他能做到些什么。

His sincerity can be demonstrated in giving up separatist activities.他的诚意可以证明放弃分裂祖国的活动。 But then, everything depends on the development of the situation.但是,一切都取决于形势的发展。

(END VIDEO) (完视频)

ZAKARIA: In a moment, some philosophy from Wen Jiabao.扎卡里亚:在一个时刻,一些哲学温家宝。


ZAKARIA: China's premier, Wen Jiabao, is a reading man a poet, and I asked him about something he was reading.扎卡里亚:中国总理温家宝,是一个阅读的人一个诗人,我问他什么,他读。

(BEGIN VIDEO) (开始视频)

ZAKARIA: You have said that you have read the works of Marcus Aurelius 100 times.扎卡里亚:你说,你读过的作品马库斯奥里利厄斯100倍。 Marcus Aurelius is a famous Stoic philosopher.马库斯奥勒留是一个著名的斯多葛哲学家。

My reading of him says that one should not be involved in the self and in any kind of pursuits that are self-interested, but should be more for the community as a whole.我读他说,一个不应当参与的自我和任何形式的追求是自我利益,而应更多的社会作为一个整体。

When I go to China these days, I'm struck by how much individualism there is, how much consumerism there is.当我去中国这些日子,我深刻的个人主义多少有多少是消费。 Are you trying to send a signal to the Chinese people to think less about themselves and more about the community?难道你想发出一个信号给中国人认为不太关心自己和更多的社会?

WEN (voice of interpreter): It is true.闻(声音翻译) :这是真的。 I did read the "Meditations" written by Marcus Aurelius Antonio many occasions.我没有读的“沉思录”写的马库斯奥勒留安东尼奥多次。 And I was very deeply impressed by the words that he wrote in the book to the effect that, where are those people who were great for a time?我非常深刻的印象的话,他写这本书的大意是,当这些人谁是伟大的一段时间? They are all gone, living only a story, or some even just half a story.他们都走了,生活只是一个故事,或有些人甚至只有半的故事。

So, I draw the conclusion that only people are in the position to create history and to write history.所以,我得出这样的结论:只有人民的立场创造历史,书写历史。

I very much value morality.我非常的价值道德观。 And I do believe that entrepreneurs, economists and statesmen alike should pay much more attention to morality and ethics.我也相信,企业家,经济学家和政治家都应该更重视道德和职业道德。

In my mind, the highest standard to measure the ethics and morality is justice.在我看来,最高的标准来衡量的伦理道德是伸张正义。

It is true, in the course of China's economic development, some companies have actually pursued their profits at the expense of morality.这是真正的过程中,中国的经济发展,一些公司已经开始实际追求利润而牺牲道德。 And we will never allow such things to happen.我们绝不允许这种事情发生。

We will not allow economic growth at the expense of the loss of morality, because such an approach simply cannot be sustained.我们不会允许经济增长为代价的道德损失,因为这种做法根本无法维持下去。 That's why we advocate corporate, occupational and social ethics.这就是为什么我们提倡企业,职业和社会道德。

ZAKARIA: You've talked about elections many times.扎卡里亚:您谈到了许多次选举。 Do you think in 25 years there will be national elections in which there will be a competition, there will be perhaps two parties running for the positions such as your own?你是否认为在25年内将有全国选举中会有竞争,将有可能运行双方的立场,如您自己?

WEN (voice of interpreter): It's hard for me to predict what will happen in 25 years' time.闻(声音翻译) :这是我很难预测会发生什么事在25年的时间。

This being said, I have this conviction that China's democracy will continue to grow.这是说,我有这种信念,中国的民主将继续增长。

In 20 to 30 years' time, the whole Chinese society will be more democratic and fairer, and the legal system in China will further be improved.在20至30年时间,整个中国社会将更加民主和公正,和法律制度的中国将进一步得到改善。 Socialism, as we see it, will further mature and improve.社会主义,我们认为,将进一步成熟和完善。
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旧 Oct 2nd, 2008, 20:00   只看该作者   #5
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zima is just really nicezima is just really nicezima is just really nicezima is just really nicezima is just really nice

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Wen really sucks, useless.
he should resign from the position immediately.
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旧 Oct 6th, 2008, 00:39   只看该作者   #6
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作者: up2you 查看帖子
但首先,我也有难得的机会,以满足与其中一个最强大的男子在地球上,温家宝总理的中国。 我会见了他的一套在华尔道夫酒店在纽约举行。

他并没有放弃一次电视采访中五年。 事实上,他很少谈过美国记者。 这是一个非凡的机会,与他谈论在这个关键的历史时刻。



擎傲世之龍碼 從混沌中明清澈
笑熬漿糊 当前离线  
旧 Oct 6th, 2008, 17:20   只看该作者   #7
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多伦多党委 的头像
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(博讯北京时间2008年10月07日 转载)

刘晓波博士是中国著名异议学者,他的文章和言论只能在海外媒体发表和发出声响,这一点都不奇怪。当然不仅仅是刘晓波,中国所有异议人士的言论和文章在中国都是被封杀的,我这里的文章标题中的“刘晓波”是一个抽象概念,这个“刘晓波”是中国所有异议人士一个化身罢了。 (博讯 boxun.com)









原载《观察》 (博讯 boxun.com)

使馆最新工作指示如下:1 凡说GCD坏话的,i)一律先打成轮子辱骂之;ii)一律转移矛盾,就说他们攻击中国人。2 鉴于 《大纪元时报》影响越来越广泛,继续实施偷报活动,但后果必须自负。
多伦多党委 当前离线  
旧 Oct 6th, 2008, 17:41   只看该作者   #8
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默认 来源:BBC

被“瞒报”的温家宝民主谈话/ 王天成

(博讯北京时间2008年10月07日 转载)




被“瞒报”的温家宝民主谈话(图)/ 王天成(美国宪政学者)








事实上,这并不是温家宝第一次以"跟国际接轨"的方式,谈论民主政治、政治体制改革。据我所知,他两年前就在谈了,但同样是对外不对内的。2006年10 月,温家宝在中南海会见了美国一个智库布鲁金斯研究所访华团,期间被问到他和其他中国领导人使用"民主"一词时是什么意思。他说:"当我们讨论民主的时候,我们往往指三个主要因素:选举、司法独立、建立在制衡基础上的监督。"听起来很舒服,是不是?这不是所谓"中国特色的社会主义民主",符合人们关于民主的常识。布鲁金斯研究所所长约翰?桑顿事后还根据温家宝的谈话写了一篇文章,发表在2008年1月的《外交季刊》(Foreign Affairs)上,称中国正在民主化。新华社当然报道这次会见,但却同样只字未提温家宝的民主言论。我是因为到了美国,才知道他原来还有这样一番开明的讲话。



但在他们看来,内外有别,对外或许可以来点灵活性,放开谈一谈,"出口"但不转内销,对内最好继续以所谓"中国特色"、"中国模式"混淆视听。为什么?因为他们胆怯。因为他们害怕人民知道什么是民主。他们比任何人都更清楚,他们是如何搞专制的,所以他们必须掩盖什么是民主。人们难以判断什么是民主,他们就可以继续浑水摸鱼。所以,他们瞒报了非典,瞒报了地震,瞒报了毒奶粉,也瞒报领导人关于民主的讲话。相比之下,三鹿公司是小奸商,他们是大的。他们一直在宣传中加入有毒成分,损害人们的精神健康,希望每个人都得脑结石而后快。他们给这种加入有毒成分的专门技术取了个名字,就是我们耳熟能详的所谓"舆论导向 "。


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