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旧 Apr 20th, 2011, 20:43     #1
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mwm is an unknown quantity at this point
Cool 【推荐】Liberals call for probe.

Liberals call for probe Tory G8 spending.


"How much more basic does it get? They received legal authority to spend money for the Border Infrastructure Fund. For the border. Not for pet projects in Tony Clement's riding," Jennings said at a press conference Wednesday.

"They used money that they were not allowed to use ... and they tried to hide it."

Conservative spokesman Sparrow did not respond to a question about the movement of the $40.5 million from the approved fund to a different budget line.

The federal auditor general analyzed the $1-billion cost of staging last June's G8 summit in Ontario cottage country and a subsequent gathering of G20 leaders in downtown Toronto. Sheila Fraser's report was due to be tabled in Parliament April 15, but has been delayed by the election.

After leaks of early drafts of the report two weeks ago, all parties called on the auditor general to release her final report. Fraser said that is not possible under the law governing her office.


I'd like to know too.

Tell us Mr. Harper, how much of this $1.3 billion dollars "FOR SECURITY" was wasted?

Was it 40%, 60% or 80%.

We've heard the horror stories of how the US military misplaced over three trillion dollars prior to 9/11.


The next G8/20 will be held in France. President Sarkozy was sarcastic when he left Toronto when he found out the bill was one billion dollars. He stated the next summit will cost less than 300 million Can.
Think about it, how can a government spend one billion dollars in a week-end. I don't believe for a second that the ' Harper government ' can honestly justify that expenditure. And yes THIS IS A BIG DEAL ,Conservative supporters. We're 33 million in Canada ,do the math .This wild uncontrolled orgy of spending cost each and every Canadian $30 .
I read the total cost for the Vancouver Olympics held over a 2 week period was less.
And they secured the sites well in advance.
Why not insist that the Auditor General Sheila Fraser present to Canadians her report on the G8/20. Or is that the reason why Harper pushed the buttons for an election ?.

Don't let facts get in the way of a good story.. the HARPER GOVERNMENT was probably the worst in our history.. that is of unless you listen to him. I just wish I had a party to vote for .. ABC ...

I was a Progressive Conservative for 38 years.. I do not know these Reform Conservatives other than they are down right nasty folks. When the liberals subjected us to the sponsorship scandal.. we voted them out. It seems the more slime these reformers lay on us the more popular they become. Says a lot about todays society. What has happened to our Country ?? Vote ABC .. this harper regime must be ousted..
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