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旧 Sep 13th, 2004, 13:01     #1
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注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 76
tno is an unknown quantity at this point
默认 偏见就是这样形成的




作者: lilia(Bunny)

印巴人, 既不诚实, 又老奸巨滑。如果没有耐心的话,就不是他们的对手。

1. 长周末时, 我们几人去京士顿玩, 临时找了Motel 过夜,是印巴人开的。结果,我和我老公竟然一夜没睡, 身上起了好几个包, 异痒!床上有虫子!!半夜打电话过去, 他们不情愿得给我们换干净的床单,这令我们十分光火。 后半夜, 虫子依然活跃。 我们只好睡到车上。 第二天清早,我收拾了一些虫子作evidence, 去找他们退钱评理。

这对印巴人夫妻似乎看出我们行程紧,一个扮硬, 一个扮软地和我磨时间。最后,我只拿了30% 的退款,便匆匆上路。我老公对他们说:“It's your duty to offer clean room facilities to clients, not just looking for money!" 我嘲笑他,“对于这类人,还用说理么?”

真后悔, 当时没叫警察, 打击一下不合格的旅游服务业!
哦, 对了,提醒一下,那个Motel 叫 Hilltop Motel
在 2287 Princess Street, Kingston ON

2. 楼上住了一些年轻的印巴人, 一天到晚放音乐,巨响,我这样说,一点也不夸张。 我们有时也去敲门警告,不起根本性作用。本来觉的印度音乐还行,现在一听就想吐。

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旧 Sep 14th, 2004, 11:40     #2
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注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 76
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tno is an unknown quantity at this point
默认 Patriotism is questionable

It is not human nature that everybody is biased. It is just a human defecit that most people are biased.

In Canada, the immigrants from China and India and Pakistan are all called Asian. Remember that.

Stereotype is everywhere. What you are trying to do is one practice of it. The practice to eliminate stereotype, prejudice, and discrimination relies on all of us. To eliminate one steretype does not contribute to this practice.

We have to understand that the human construction of society, whether in the name of socialism or in the name of capitalism, is the resource of all social inequality and social unjustice. Therefore, there is no such thing as to eliminate one kind of discrimination against Chinese only. That won't help at all. If you really want to eliminate discrimination against Chinese, you have to work with Indians, Pakistanians, Japanese, the Black, gay, lesbian, the disabled, the poor, etc. together we could make difference. Otherwise, the efforts to eliminate any social unjustice will doom to fail.

作者: lilia(Bunny)
I admit there's some prejudice against Indians. Of course, there're still some very nice indians, but they still can't change ugliness, indecency as a whole. and I never feel guilty of what I've written on this web, because it's human nature that everybody is biased. Fool me once, Shame on them, the Indians! All the wrong things they did affected my judge on Indians, and downgraded their people as a whole!

Likewise, Shame on Chinese that collegues are so much guarding agaist each other. As a Chinese, I feel sorry for it that we Chinese people have such a sterotype which I think better than Indian, though, still it's something we can't be proud of. Can't we Chinese prove the message otherwsie?

So, I feel relieved every time when I hear good news from China; I feel proud when we see China is progressing in the right direction; I'm very careful in public 'course I somewhat represent Chinese here!

What I can do is just so little, but I still hope the world will eventually change the sterotype on Chinese, because it will benefit everybody with a Chinese face.

"Unite, all Chinese!" Quote from the friend above, not being noble, but being down-to-earth!
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旧 Sep 27th, 2004, 12:46     #3
级别:0 | 在线时长:0小时 | 升级还需:5小时
注册日期: Jul 2004
帖子: 76
声望: 0
tno is an unknown quantity at this point
默认 Human nature or human deficit? And who is not biased?

Which word you are using just like your different shoes or dresses, people can see or read who you are or what opinion you have. Thus, the "choice of words" is important.

Human nature, my understanding is something that all human being is born to have. Therefore, you cannot convince me that being biased is part of human nature. The reason is simple, people are taught to be biased, people are not born to be biased.

Thus, people can be taught to be not biased as well.

I cannot say that I am not biased, but I am learning not to be biased. I believe that the way to be NOT biased is possible, if you learn to "know thyself".

Therefore it occurs to me that you and Mr. Bush have more in common than I and Mr. Bush, as far as our opinions about prejudice are concerned.

I am not criticizing your conflict with the Indian motel owners, if I were you, I would be angry as well. However, I am trying to say that you cannot stereotype all Indians because of that. By doing that, you are doing the same thing as the Americans did after 911.

I just wanted to remind you that people are easily to be biased. The awareness of our own prejudice will help us learn not to be biased.

However, I disagree with you that because that other people are biased, therefore you are OK to be biased. You can not justify it that way.

作者: lilia(Bunny)
That gentleman is quite particular about the choice of words.

1. "Being biased is not kind of human nature, but it's human deficit". Well, as far as I'm concerned, Human nature is not always in positive sense. It's a neutral word. I believe there're good and bad aspects in people's nature.

2. "NOT everybody is biased, BUT most people are biased". Excuse my ignorance, but could you please kindly tell me who is NOT biased? Is that you, or the PBS (Professional bull shit) Mr. Bush?

3. In this hierarchical society, the world always belongs to the big. People just prejudice against one or another, in one way or another, and I never expect to eliminate it totally. As an individual, I should do good, change our stereotype and eventually give the outside people a shock rather than justify their prejudice against us.
Hense the reason why I criticised the Indian motel owner, 'cause they are a shame to their community; 'cause they justified their low image in front of the outside people.

4. I know that rallies, protests sometimes work, as it can bring some pressure to the government. We can work with the Indians, black, gay, lesbian, etc. only when they are doing the right thing.
In some cases, it'll be vey definsive and sensitive of us to join their team because they're descriminated. We should work together with the people wherever they're from, as long as together we can add value to get things done!

5. I heard people here classify immigrants as from Asia, Europe, Caribean, etc. But I also heard people classify immigrants in terms of their religious belief, their culture.
Though India is geographically very close to China, the sharp differences in religion, food, clothes, language, face or even the shape of body makes it as far and different to me as any other country in the world.

6. I love my country, though I can't do as good as Yao Ming to bring the glory to China. Well, do not be a shame to China, but try to let China proud of us.
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