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查看投票结果: 你什么时候对加拿大有了家的感觉?
一直没有房子,也一直没有家的感觉 5 7.04%
有了房子,也一直没有家的感觉 28 39.44%
一直没有房子,但住了一段时间后,已经有了家的感觉 10 14.08%
有了房子后,也有家的感觉了 28 39.44%
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旧 Sep 5th, 2009, 21:19     #1
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[edit] Modern Research of Homesickness
Today, homesickness is recognized more in children and more quickly identified. Modern researchers document case studies and more in-depth feelings surface. The feelings that are mostly identified with homesickness are nostalgia, grief, depression, anxiety, sadness, withdrawal, and adjustment disorders.

Nostalgia - According to the Oxford Dictionary (1989) nostalgia is defined as “a sentimental longing for things that are in the past”. In contrast, Homesickness is a longing for an existing home or place. Also, Homesickness is related with negative thoughts and sadness, while Nostalgia is related with both sadness and joy.
Grief - Can be described as the emotional pain or anguish that someone feels after the loss of a loved one. This relates to homesickness in that homesickness is a grief-like symptom caused by missing one's home. In addition, according to Fisher (1989) homesickness and grief are two affective emotions associated with a particular and known cause, like a “loss”.
Depression - The essential feature of a major depressive episode in DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) is either a depressive mood or the loss of interest in nearly all activities [5]. Other criteria are: weight loss or decrease or increase in appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, psychomotor agitation or retardation, fatigue, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, diminished ability to think or concentrate, recurrent thoughts of death or suicide.” (Tilburg) All of the above symptoms are characteristic of homesickness, therefore many theorists argue that homesickness is a reactive depressant to leaving one's home.
Anxiety - According to Encyclopedia Britannica (2009) anxiety is. “A feeling of dread, fear, or apprehension, often with no clear justification”. Anxiety can arise from an individual’s response to a threat that is considered as being relatively harmless, while it can also be the by-product of a more subjective and internal emotional conflict. Anxiety therefore can become a side-effect of homesickness.
Topophilia - This particular phobia is characterized by relationships between human beings and their environment. According to the author Tuan, "Beyond clothing, a person invests bits of his emotional life in his home, and beyond the home in his neighborhood. To be forcibly evicted from one's home and neighborhood is to be stripped of a sheathing, which in its familiarity protects the human being from the bewilderments of the outside world" [6]. Topophilia is characterized by an individual’s attachment to their surroundings. According to Tuan (1974) topophilic persons can view their environment as a symbol or a carrier for emotionally charged events causing a high level of topophilic sentiments [7]. These sentiments can therefore be origins for homesickness [8]
Adjustment Disorders - According to the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria, adjustment disorder is a maladaptive response to an identifiable psychosocial stressor occurring within three months and remitting within six months of the termination of the stressor. Severe homesickness may be seen as a particular form of two of these subtypes, namely adjustment disorder with depressed mood or adjustment disorder with physical complaints, when two other conditions are fulfilled, namely being away from home (the stressor) and thinking a lot about home (Tilburg).
Other Feelings and Disorders

[edit] Coping
Coping is a method used by individuals to lessen the effects of a negative situation. Homesickness is a state of being that includes both cognitive process and complicated emotions. Feelings associated with Homesickness are anxiety, depression, sadness, and withdrawal. About three quarters of children experience homesickness to some degree and thus must cope somehow with the experience. Often homesickness is somewhat hard to diagnose. Individuals tend to withdraw socially, mentally returning to comforting thoughts of home. An immediate remedy for homesickness is to return home. However this is not always an option and in many cases can be more harmful to the development of the individual.[9] First method of coping with homesick individuals is addressing the cognitive components. If individual’s cognitions are manipulated then they will tend to not experience the symptom of homesickness. Cognitions of home are either altered or totally avoided when trying relieving homesickness. Getting homesick individuals to participate in games, task, or assignment will redirect conscious thought away from home.Cognition is a large factor to why an individual experiences homesickness and by making a homesick individual change their conscious thoughts it will help them cope with homesickness. Also participation in activities will reduce uncertainty homesick individuals have about new environments[10]

The second aspect of homesickness is the affective state or emotional state. This is more problematic because the emotions experienced with homesickness must be internally processed. Emotions like sadness, depression and withdraw are experienced by homesick individuals and can’t be immediately relieved . Counseling and discussion of feelings with a trusted individual is a method to help relieve some of the anxiety and stress. There are direct methods to ease some of the symptoms like writing a letter, or calling home. Direct contact with home is a reassurance of the security of the home.[11] Psychologists say that the best way to prevent homesickness is to spend practice time away from home. Previous experience away helps develop and refine the coping skills most effective for an individual. A study by the American Academy of Pediatrics published in January, 2007, in the journal Pediatrics, also recommends that parents involve children in every aspect of planning separation, and not offer to pick the child up before the period of separation is scheduled to end.New thinking needed on helping kids avoid or cope with homesickness, experts say. By Kara Gavin, University of Michigan Health System. January 2, 2007.

Once separated from home, children and adults report that the most effective ways of coping include:

Keeping a positive attitude
Maintaining contact with home, through letters (both traditional and electronic)
Enjoying what's different about the novel environment
Bringing a "transitional object" (something special from home)

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