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旧 Feb 8th, 2004, 12:09     #1
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facade is an unknown quantity at this point

actuarial science is still pretty good.
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旧 Feb 16th, 2004, 10:45     #2
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facade is an unknown quantity at this point

I don't know much about UT, but all of my friends in UWaterloo got actuary offers far before graduation.
Actually the job market for actuarial science is quite broad, not only insurance firms, banks, investment firms, big accting firms, some consulting firms all hire actuaries.
As far as I know, the actuarial science major in UWaterloo has kept maintaining 100% employment rate and the salary for new grad is the highest among all the other majors.
There are only 3 Universities in Ontario offer actuarial science study. Comparing with CS or Acct, actuarial science new grads are much highly sorted.
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旧 Feb 16th, 2004, 18:20     #3
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There are only around 120 actuarial science new grads from Uwaterloo each year, I don't think UT can graduate 1000. I think u are exaggerating the number.
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旧 Feb 17th, 2004, 16:46     #4
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To 猪头,

I don’t think it is fair to take CS as an sample to evaluate or compare against any other subjects. CS is special since the field has suffered a recent collapse. However, actuarial science is as stable as other traditional engineering and science subjects; it has not experienced any peaks and bottoms. I also don’t agree with u that actuarial science was not hot before. Actually, actuarial science has been a hot subject since 80s; but it just belongs to those hot while unpopular subjects such as medicine, dentist, health science, etc.

People share thoughts and exchange opinions in the forum; it is not necessary to be so emotional. You should consider avoiding using such offensive words as “silly” “stupid” Proper oral and written communication is also a very important skill that worth learnin
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旧 Feb 17th, 2004, 18:02     #5
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To 猪头,
Have u taken any actuarial science courses before? If u haven’t, how could u claim that actuarial science courses are easy.
What do you mean by unnecessarily optimism or necessarily optimism? I’ve only heard about optimism can always turn things around.
Please don’t put your photo on the forum. It is not that pretty.

(See I am losing patient to u)
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旧 Feb 17th, 2004, 18:44     #6
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Pig Head, then I have to congratulate you. Easy to study and easy to find a high-paid job. Can u ask for a better subject than actuarial science to study?
Please put yr photo down, it is embarrassing http://chinasmile.infopop.net/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
facade 当前离线  
旧 Feb 18th, 2004, 15:24     #7
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facade is an unknown quantity at this point

To 天问, if yr friend's msg is correct, then why there are still actuary new grad openings in UT and Uwaterloo job sites? I suggest u double check with yr friend.

In UWaterloo job site, this year's actuary openings are almost equal to programmer openings. But can u imaging how many students are qualified to apply for programmer jobs? Almost everyone in EE, CE, CS, for cry out loud!

Thus I claim in terms of getting a job so far, actuarial science is much better than CS, simply because the close match of demand and supply. It is true that I can’t tell how the field of actuary will be in the future, but I believe it won’t be as messy as CS, since the field hasn’t experienced any dramatic up or down.

To pig head, I don’t want to argue with u anymore. I am talking about job-oriented education but u seem to have been away from subject. I am not interested in academic career.
facade 当前离线  
旧 Feb 18th, 2004, 18:17     #8
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First of all, where did u get the impression that I don’t like CS?
Second, why are you interested in betting I can’t get SOA certificate, how does it benefit you if I can’t get it? I really don’t understand your mentality.
facade 当前离线  
旧 Feb 19th, 2004, 09:50     #9
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facade is an unknown quantity at this point

To Pig head,

First of all, what do u want me to look at the title for? This is a public forum, people can go after any posts they like, who cares the titles

Second, I have been watching my words towards you very carefully when I replied your offensive post. If I were in two years ago, I had already started shooting. If u had not cursed me not getting SOA certificate, I also would not have complained u in my reply. It is all about causality: cause and effect. I hope u be aware when u apply nasty words to other people, they can also apply back.

To Chris,

I have no idea where u got those figures. I know there is a graduate diploma program in UW actuarial science where a lot of immigrants hopped inside in order to crack into actuary field. If u referred to the employment rate of this program or even the master program, I have no comments. All friends that I know went thru co-op undergrad program and got their offers within the final work term, the program is excellent!!!

How do u know if the job postings in UW job site are faked or not? If u don’t know, it is not safe to make such a judgement! If u did not get any calls after applying the jobs, there are some more reasonable reasons than just claiming the openings are faked. Nobody has the ability to scare anyone else in the forum (are u that weak!), it is up to the readers themselves to make their own judgement about the info they received. One rule of thumb of reading things in a public forum is “viewer’s discrimination is required”.

Would like to share with Pig head and Chris and all the other shooters of another rule of thumb in communication in a public forum: stick to the fact that u are discussing and don’t put in too much noising factors such as personal attacks, offensive words, bolding words, yr photo or yr pet’s photo, yr personal goal, yr so call “past glory”(for example, pls stop announcing how high salary u earned when u were in China, what make u think the others did not make more money than u in China?) these factors don’t hep communicating.

Pig head, the core msg of yr first reply was quite fair, but just the way u wrote it ruined the intelligence of the msg. If u wrote it nicely, I could have already shut down.

Again, when we apply nasty words to other people, they can also apply back. The reason why they did not attack back or won’t attack back is only because they maintain higher standard to their behaviour and value better characteristic, or, the offensiveness haven’t reach their limit. But we better not to test the others’ limit and eventually hurt each other. I just join the forum, I have seen a lot of posts these days, many of them ended up being massive personal attacks. Here is an example, look into http://chinasmile.infopop.net/0/Open...2290931006&p=2

[This message was edited by Facade on February 19, 2004 at 11:55.]
facade 当前离线  
旧 Feb 19th, 2004, 12:07     #10
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facade is an unknown quantity at this point

I am not God (Mighty God, pls forgive Pig head for misusing yr name). I am not interested in “falungone” either. And I have nowhere in my posts expressed my personal preference of actuarial science.

By using one rule of the thumb - stick to the fact, I have raised my point “actuarial science is a better choice than CS since it is still doing pretty good in today’s job market”, and then I have raised some facts to support my point and that was all. Actually it is not hard to crack down my point without using any offensive words or personal attacks. As I mentioned in my previous post, “if u had written yr first reply nicely, I would have already shut down”.

Of course it is yr own choice to put yr photo as yr signature, I was just be nice to u to try saving u from being embarrassed.

Whether yr words are nasty or not, u should be self-aware now after our previous discussion. But I am glad I did see improvement from u. If u were a hot girl, I would be willing to take the private lesson. But for u, forget it.

Again if the way to indicate yr disinteresting in AS is to show off so called “past glory”, I am afraid that I really don’t have the ability to understand it.

Since u are still willing to bet my not getting a SOA certificate, I have to keep questioning the sickness of yr mentality.
facade 当前离线  
旧 Feb 19th, 2004, 12:53     #11
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facade is an unknown quantity at this point

To Pig head,
See now yr writing skill is in another level, u start using first, second, third…

Now let’s begin:

First, if u are antitheist, then stop calling the name of God.

Second, if u want to find out my points and then pls reread my posts. If u don’t want to crack my point then why are u tracing my post like a dog?

Third, that is good point and I will change my mask that right away, maybe using another name of design patterns. I am not like somebody keep enjoying embarrassing himself.

Fourth yr ability to taking in nasty words are way lower than me, I haven’t started using “idiot”, “ridiculer” and u already cry out!

Fifth, see that past glory thing appears again. You are now 29, cracking undergrad courses at yr age of maturity should not be the problem. I have to admit that I did not get bunches of A+, I took CS in Peking U when I was 18, I was playing and dating all the time back then.

Sixth, Since u are still willing to bet my not getting a SOA certificate, I have to keep questioning the sickness of yr mentality (see that copy and paste, fast!)

To Chris, we are all from UW, don't go after each other.

[This message was edited by Adapter on February 19, 2004 at 14:45.]
facade 当前离线  
旧 Feb 19th, 2004, 18:09     #12
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Welcome back Pig Head,

First, now u started to pick my words. That is a game for elemental school students, not for a man at yr age. In fact, I just came to Canada and I do need to improve English with Canadain MMs.

Second, it is perfectly legal to crack down my point with more convincing argument and facts. However, as I suggest, do it without using offensive words and personal attacks.

Third, I have no idea what 阿呆普特 means. Is that a kind of pig head?

Fourth, I did not intend to greet u as dog, but pls look into yrself at first. U started the attack and successfully reached my limit of tolerance. I was hitting back. My manner is far from the standard of Lord Jesus; I am still in the stage of “eyes to eyes, teeth to teeth”. I tried to avoid attacking u and had actually given us chances to step down gracefully. But u just did not get it and kept barking forward.

Fifth, have I ever mentioned in any of my posts about “what I am studying” this kind of crap that is so unrelated to the point I was trying to make? How do u know whether I am not studying a master or a phd? Only US Embassy can have the ability to reject me! I have no idea how u managed to cook up the scenarios for me.

Some extra points: Pls be aware that people are equal; others are as respectable or unrespectable as u are, as smart or stupid as u are. I never think of people with a degree from PKU, HsingHua, UT, UWaterloo or getting A+ are such a bigger deal. Honesty, down to the earth, have a warm heart, good interpersonal skills and teamwork skills (see all the skills that are needed in order to succeed no matter in industry or academy), the last but not least, not offending people in the forum once opening the mouth, are more appreciated.

[This message was edited by Adapter on February 19, 2004 at 20:24.]
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