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旧 Jun 23rd, 2006, 23:41     #1
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注册日期: Jul 2004
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默认 市民常见问题及官方答复:

Q. The people who live across the road have a habit of collecting junk, like old cars they don’t drive, discarded furniture and tires. They said they were going to clean up their yard last summer, but nothing ever happened. Is there anything the City can do?

A. The City’s By-law Enforcement Section is responsible for investigating all complaints received about messy yards and derelict vehicles. The owners of properties found to be in violation of City of Oshawa by-laws will be directed to clean and clear their property of debris. If owners refuse to clean up their property, they can be charged under the Provincial Offences Act.

Q. I’d like to relocate my woodworking business to the detached garage in my backyard. Can I do this?

A. The Zoning By-law permits certain home-based businesses or "Home Occupations" in all zones that permit dwelling units provided certain conditions are met. One of those conditions restricts the location of the home occupation to the dwelling unit or an attached garage. Therefore, using a detached garage for a home occupation would be prohibited under the terms of the by-law. There are other things you would have to consider such as excessive noise and electrical interference. The home occupation regulations are meant to foster fledgling businesses that cause relatively little harm or annoyance with the residential nature of the neighbourhood. For a copy of the regulations regarding Home Occupations visit Building Services at City Hall and speak to a Zoning Inspector.

Q. The family across the street piles junk on the boulevard. Some things sit there for weeks. I resent having to look at this mess. What can I do?

A. You should call the Ritson Depot and a Patrol Technician will talk to your neighbour about storing debris on the City boulevard. If the discarded items are on private property call By-law Enforcement Services and lodge a complaint. All complaints are confidential.

Q. My neighbour has quite a few dogs that bark all day long. I work shifts and often try to sleep during the day. Is there a by-law that can help me?
A. The Responsible Pet Owner’s By-law states that residents of Oshawa may own only three dogs. The By-law also prohibits extended or frequent barking of a dog. It is important to try and talk to the owner about your concerns as many dog owners are unaware that their dog may bother others. If this does not remedy the situation call Animal Services for our "Barking Dog Package".

Q. I want to plant a hedge in my front yard. How high can I let it grow?
A. All hedges and fences in the front yard of a residential, commercial or office property can be no more than 0.9 metres (3 feet)) high. The City restricts the height of hedges or fences in front yards to ensure they don’t impair vision of pedestrian or vehicle traffic. Owners of corner lots are advised to contact a Zoning Inspector, as more specific restrictions apply.

Q. I have two cars. How wide can my driveway be?
A. You can use half of your front yard to widen your driveway. The other half must remain as a landscaped area.

Q. My neighbour keeps parking his transport truck in his driveway. I think it is dangerous and unsightly. I can’t see to back out of my driveway. What do you recommend I do?
A. The Zoning By-law prohibits parking or storage of commercial vehicles that exceed 6.0 metres (19.6 feet) in length and 3000 kg (6613 lbs) in vehicle weight or 2.4 metres (8.5 feet) in height. Call By-law Enforcement Services for further information or to register a complaint.

Q. My neighbour consistently parks a vehicle overnight on the street in front of my house. Is this allowed?
A. It is contrary to the City’s Traffic By-law to park on any street for more than 3 hours at one time. Specific by-laws are in place on some streets which, restrict parking to a shorter duration or prohibit parking all together. Enforcement can be requested by contacting the By-law Enforcement Unit.

Q. I’m tired of all the cars that park up and down on my street during the day. How can I arrange for "No Parking Any Time" signs to be put up on my street?
A. City Council must approve all changes to parking regulations. Depending on the circumstances, a petition by residents may be required to show neighbourhood support for the change. Contact the Transportation and Parking Services Branch for more information.

Q. How can I arrange for a crossing guard at an intersection near the public school that my children attend?
A. The Transportation and Parking Services Branch will conduct a study of the location, the traffic volumes and the number of children that use the location. If the location warrants a school crossing guard, a report will be prepared to seek Council approval.

Q. How can I get a stop sign installed at an intersection near my house?
A. Transportation Services staff will conduct a study to determine if a stop sign is required. If the technical warrants are met, a report to Council is required and a by-law must be approved before the stop sign can be installed.

Q. Can I close my street for a street dance?
A. Depending on the street and the purpose of the event, the City may permit the closure of your street. Permission must be obtained from the Transportation and Parking Services Branch before the event and there is a fee for this service.

Q. What is the difference between No Parking and No Stopping?
A. A "NO PARKING" sign means parking is prohibited, whether or not the vehicle is occupied, unless it is temporarily parked and actively engaged in loading and unloading passengers or merchandise. A "NO STOPPING" sign means that all stopping is prohibited, even for the loading or unloading of passengers. The only exception is to make way for emergency vehicles.

Q. A neighbour has put up a new above-ground swimming pool. It is about three feet high. I’m concerned because there is no fence around it and all the kids in the neighbourhood can get into their yard. Isn’t there a by-law regulating pools?
A. Yes. No one may excavate for a pool or erect a pool in Oshawa without first obtaining a permit. The Pool Enclosure By-law requires that all pools be enclosed by a 1.5-metre (5 foot) fence. The fence and gates leading to the pool area must also be built according to the By-law requirements. They must be inspected and approved by Property Standards Officer before the pool is filled with water.

Q. I live in a big apartment building. The parking lot hasn’t been plowed since the last snowstorm and cars are getting stuck. Walkways around the building haven’t been cleared properly and they’re icy in some places. I’m afraid of falling. Can you talk to the owners of the building? They won’t listen to me.
A. The City’s Property Standards By-law requires parking areas and walkways to be maintained so as to provide for safe passage. Contact Property Standards for further information.

Q. I want to build a fence. Can someone come and tell me where the property line is?
A. City staff do not provide this service. We recommend you refer to your property survey or obtain the services of a qualified land surveyor prior to erecting the fence.

Q. My basement floor feels wet. I can see that water has come up through the floor drain. Who should I call?
A. For water seeping through your floor drain, call the Region of Durham Works Department. For any other type of flooding call the Ritson Depot.

Q. My son received a tent as a birthday gift. Can he camp overnight in the park behind our home?
A. Camping overnight is prohibited on all City of Oshawa parkland.

Q. Someone was golfing in the park next to my house. It seemed kind of dangerous. Is this allowed?
A. No. Due to the fact that it can result in an injury, golfing is prohibited in all City of Oshawa parkland. To report golfing activity in parks contact City Park staff Monday to Friday between 9 am and 3 pm or Durham Regional Police after hours.

Q. Is it okay for me to barbecue in my neighbourhood park?
A. No. Barbecues of any type are prohibited from parks unless the area is specifically posted or a permit is issued for gas, charcoal or other solid fuelled portable barbecue.

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旧 Jun 23rd, 2006, 23:41   只看该作者   #2
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yunboo 的头像
注册日期: Jul 2004
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Q. My son’s friend keeps a boa constrictor in his basement as a pet. Is this allowed?
A. No. Under the City of Oshawa Exotic Animal By-law, boa constrictors are listed as exotic animals. It is an offence to own one within the City of Oshawa limits.

Q. How often will the grass be cut at my community park?
A. All active park areas have a grass-cutting schedule of once every ten days. The high profile areas throughout the City are cut once a week while passive parkland is cut once to a maximum of three times per season.

Q. When does the pruning of City-owned trees occur?
A. Pruning needs are determined by the following priorities:

Removing dead or structurally-weak limbs

Ensuring visibility for traffic signage

Providing required vehicle and pedestrian clearance

Addressing tree-related concerns of adjacent landowners by lifting, thinning or cutting back as necessary
Please remember that residents are prohibited from pruning municipal trees. Watering, however, is greatly appreciated.

Q. When are trees removed? What happens to the wood if a City tree is cut down? Will a new tree be planted?
A. Trees are only removed when they are dead, in severe decline, damaged beyond repair or structurally unsafe. They may also be considered for removal in conjunction with construction projects or when interference or nuisance problems can be resolved in no other way. Once the tree has been removed, the wood will be cut in lengths and made convenient for removal at no charge by the public. Wood that is not picked up after 72 hours will be removed by City staff. A replacement tree will be planted the following season if the location meets site requirements.

Q. How can I tell who owns a tree?
A. Before proceeding with any action involving a tree, the tree’s actual ownership must be established.
City Ownership

When the trunk is planted on City property and its growth extensions remain within City property boundaries.

When a private tree’s crown and roots encroach onto City property, the City, as permitted by the law, will maintain the portion inside the City boundary line.
Private Ownership

When the tree trunk is planted on private property and its growth extensions remain within private property boundaries.

When the crown and roots of City-owned trees encroach onto private property, that portion growing inside private property boundary can be maintained by the private landowner, within the extent of the law.
Joint Ownership

When a tree trunk is growing directly on a borderline and has a crown and roots that are growing into both adjoining properties, the two property owners are common owners of that tree.

The consent of both parties is required before any maintenance can take place.

Q. Where can I get a complaint form for Road Watch? Do I have to put my name on it?
A. Complaint forms are available at all drop-box locations which are listed on the back of the form included with Your Info Source. When sending your report, it is important to sign it and make sure it is as complete as possible. This helps safeguard the system from abuse. You can be assured that your personal information is for statistical use only and is held in strictest confidence.

Q. I want to replace my smoke alarms and have been advised by a friend that I should purchase the photo-electric type. What do you recommend?
A. Both the photo-electric and ionization types of smoke alarms are equally effective for residences. When installed properly both these detection devices will provide adequate warning in the event of a fire. Ionization alarms respond quickly to flaming fires. Photo-electric alarms respond more quickly to a smoldering fire. It is essential that any device you install is approved by the Underwriters Laboratories Canada.

Q. My carbon monoxide alarm has sounded. What do I do?
A. If your CO detector starts to sound its alarm, stay calm. Go outside immediately to avoid prolonged exposure to CO, as its effects can quickly worsen. The best initial treatment is fresh air. Once everyone is safely outside, call Oshawa Fire Services from a cellular phone or a neighbour’s home. If anyone appears to be suffering from CO poisoning, call 911 immediately.

Q. My smoke alarm is emitting a chirping sound. What is the problem with it?
A. The chirping sound indicates the battery may need to be replaced. Batteries should be changed at least once a year. It is wise to do this when you change the clocks back each fall. If changing the batteries does not stop the chirping sound, try vacuuming the alarm. This should be done twice a year. If the problem persists, replace the alarm.

Q. I am considering installing a wood stove in my recreation room. How far should it be from the walls?
A. Installation of a wood stove and chimney requires a building permit. Installation requirements depend on the type of stove you purchase. All certified stoves bear a ULC, CSA or WH label listing clearance requirements for safe installation. Once you have your building permit and have purchased your wood stove, call the Fire Prevention Office to arrange for a certified officer to inspect and approve your proposed installation. The Fire Prevention Office can answer other questions about wood stoves and fireplace inserts.

Q. The roof leaks every time it rains, the kitchen ceiling is starting to fall down and the living room window is broken. The landlord won’t fix anything so I’m going to stop payment on my rent cheque. How can I make him fix these problems?
A. If you haven’t already done so, write the landlord a letter describing all the repairs needed and fill out a work order, if it’s required. Allow a reasonable length of time for response (10-14 days). If the work isn’t done within this time, a Property Standards Officer will investigate and enforce the Property Standards By-law. As a tenant it is your responsibility to pay the rent. Withholding rent could result in eviction. For more information on your rights as a tenant call the Rental Housing Tribunal at 1-888-332-3234.

Q. I rent a house. It’s freezing here. The furnace is broken and I have to wear my winter coat all day to keep warm. The landlord says he’s can’t afford to fix the furnace right now. What can I do?
A. The Property Standards Officer will come and do a heat reading, then follow up to make sure the heating problem is resolved. The Property Standards By-law requires all heating systems be maintained in working order. The Adequate Heat By-law requires that an indoor temperature of 20° Celsius (68° Fahrenheit) be provided at all times between September 15th and June 15th.

Q. There’s a skunk living under my shed and I’m afraid to let my children use their swing set. What should I do?
A. Animal Services has two trap sizes available for a small rental fee. These are live traps and may only be used to trap wildlife such as skunks, raccoons and squirrels. Call Animal Services for more information on how to use these traps.

Q. What do I need besides a Business Licence to start my own company?
A. You must register the name of your company through the Ministry of Consumer and Commercial Relations. You may also require a Vendor’s Permit from the Ontario Ministry of Revenue. A Vendor’s Permit has to do with charging provincial sales tax.

Q. What do I need to obtain a taxicab driver permit? How long will it take for approval?
A. You must submit a completed application form, a Criminal Search through the Durham Regional Police Services and three passport-size photos to City Clerk Services, Licensing. Once approved, a taxicab driver permit will be issued for a fee established by Oshawa City Council. Please note that it takes approximately one week to obtain a Criminal Search.

Q. How do I qualify for a Lottery Licence? Is there a fee?
A. To qualify for a Lottery Licence an organization must be eligible according to Provincial Regulations. They must have a demonstrated charitable or religious mandate for the relief of poverty, advancement of education or religion and other charitable purposes beneficial to the community. The fee for a Lottery Licence is 3% of the total prize value.

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