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旧 Nov 29th, 2012, 20:47     #1
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默认 Chloe 的 walking in the air

walking in the air 这首歌原有朋友在坛里贴过,这里我要贴的是chloe版本

Walking in the air 原是1982年奥斯卡获奖动画片《The Snowman》里的插曲,由英国童声男高音Aled Jones初唱成片,因旋律悠扬广为翻唱。

Chloe Agnew 是爱尔兰歌手,生于1989年。现为凯尔特女人乐队(Celtic Woman)成员之一。Celtic woman乐队是流行乐史上实力最强大的组合之一,组合中每个人都具备独唱的星级实力和个唱音乐会的水准。这样的强强组合,在现在商业和经济准则为前提的社会中是难得一见的。 “凯尔特女人”中所有成员,都是有过个人世界畅销专辑的歌星。

演唱walking in the airj时,chloe 年仅13岁,却能如此真挚、细腻地诠释歌曲,她清新甜美的歌声在起承转合之中流露出丰富的情感,听到她嗓音,象是听到希望般,令人感到一股温柔的力量,将聆听者的心逐渐融化, 如此纯品天籁,如同天堂制造的天使之音,纯净而毫无瑕疵,聆听她,感觉像是音符长了翅膀,令人忘却尘嚣,温柔飞入心神向往已久的秘密花园。(摘自网络)

We’re walking in the air
We’re floating in the moonlit sky
The people far below are sleeping as we fly

We’re holding very tight
I’m riding in the midnight blue
I’m finding I can fly so high above with you

Far across the world
The villages go by like dreams
The rivers and the hills
The forests and the streams

Children gaze open mouthed
Taken by surprise
Nobody down below believes their eyes

We’re surfing in the air
We’re swimming in the frozen sky
We’re drifting over icy mountains floating by

Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep
Rousing up a mighty monster from his sleep

We’re walking in the air
We’re dancing in the midnight sky
And everyone who sees us greets us as we fly

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